This article was originally published on Kueez
Mother And Daughter With Matching White Patches
They must be asked if they are Sweeney Todd fans often because he famously sported a similar grey patch. However, these white patches are from a disorder called Poliosis.
The hair follicles stop growing with color because the melanin is not being produced in these areas.
Waardenburg Syndrome
This little boy's eyes look like beautiful blue water. He has Waardenburg syndrome, which is a very rare genetic condition that only occurs every 1 in 40,000 people.
It affects the pigmentation of the hair, skin, nails, and eyes. One of the most noticeable markers is the color of a person's eyes.
Heart Shaped Birthmark
This boy must be very loved because he was born with a heart-shaped birthmark. Many people have birthmarks, and they are very common.
Birthmarks are caused by a collection of blood vessels or melanin. Sometimes they fade over time, and sometimes they last forever.
A Girl With One Green Eye And One Blue Eye
Heterochromia is when a person is born with two different colored eyes. Many people find this look to be quirky and people will use colored contacts to trick people into thinking they have heterochromia.
This girl is also a redhead, and that is a rare feature. It is uncommon for someone to be born with red hair and different colored eyes.
This is one of the rarest genetic mutations, and it is called giantism. It causes people to be exceptionally tall like Elisany da Cruz Silva who is 6'9".
She lives a normal life, but giantism can cause serious illness and early death in some cases.
Split Iris
This is a different type of heterochromia. It is known as sectoral heterochromia which causes the iris to have different colors in one eye.
It is such a beautiful look, and it can be seen in many different patterns, and colors like you will see later in the list.
Uncombable Hair Syndrome
You might think this little girl has a bad case of bed head, but it is actually a genetic condition. There are only 100 people in the world who have this condition.
She has to maintain a strict hair regimen because her hair is very fragile and can break at the roots if it is not correctly taken care of.
Heterochromia Made Her Famous
Sarah McDaniel is already an attractive person with beautiful looks, and there is another thing that elevates her beauty. Yes, it is her heterochromia, a rare genetic condition in which a person's irises take on different colors.
In her career so far, she has magazine work and she has also featured in music videos, which include G-Eazy's "Some Kind of Drug" and Mark Ronson's "Summer Breaking / Daffodils."
White Hair, Eyelashes, And Pale Skin Because Of Albinism
Nastya Zhidkova is known for her unique coloring and striking eyes. Known by her alias Kiker Chan, she has a huge list of loyal followers who absolutely love her futuristic and minimalist photographs. Her paleness is due to albinism.
She is originally from Moscow, Russia and she is a huge fan of Japanese anime. In fact, she started off as a model by cosplaying anime characters. By the way, she still practices her hobby despite her busy modeling career.
Red Hair In People Of African Descent
Red hair is an uncommon trait, to begin with, and it is even rarer for people of African descent. It is caused by a mutation in the MC1R gene that is inherited from parents and grandparents.
People with this mutation have red hair, freckles, or blue eyes. The indigenous people in Australia have a similar gene mutation.
World Famous Model With Vitiligo
Winnie Harlow is a well-known model who got her start on America's Next Top Model for her unique look. She has vitiligo, which causes the hair, skin, and nails to lose pigmentation.
On the show, she talked about how people would make fun of her for looking different when she was growing up, but she learned to love her uniqueness.
Albinism Causing Lightning Eyes
His eyes look like lightning struck against a dark sky. He has albinism, which is the absence of pigmentation in the hair, skin, and eyes.
His eye is blue/purple because he lacks melanin to color his iris, so the blood vessels show through. Sometimes people with albinism have red eyes because of their blood vessels.
Six-Fingered Hands
This woman has extra fingers, and when she went into a store, someone asked to take a picture because they were so intrigued.
People with multiple fingers can be more agile than others with only five fingers.
Elf Ears
No, this woman is not an elf, but she does have elf-like ears. This is caused by a condition known as Darwin's tubercle.
It is common in Spanish, Indian, and Swedish people. Scientists do not know why this happens.
Eyelashes That Grow In Multiple Rows
Many people get eyelash extensions to have full and long lashes. This girl does not need extensions because her eyelashes grow in multiple rows.
The condition is called Distichiasis, and it can be seen as a full set of second lashes or one single lash in a different row.
Vitiligo Changes Hair Color On Half Her Face
This woman has vitiligo on half her face like the man seen earlier in the list. It has changed the hair color on half of her face.
There are two types of vitiligo called segmented and generalized.
Ring Of Gold In His Iris
This man has a unique ring of gold in his iris cause by an imbalance of melanin in his eye.
High levels of melanin absorb less light which scatters the color differently in the iris.
Different Colored Eyelashes
This baby is absolutely adorable and mushy. She has a case of distichiasis that causes one eye to have different colored eyelashes.
She is going to grow up to be beautiful and unique with her different eyelashes.
Twelve Fingers And Twelve Toes
This baby was born with twelve fingers and toes. It is caused by a condition called polydactyly that causes extra fingers and toes to grow.
It is passed down through a person's family or genetic.
She Was Born With Blonde And Brown Hair
There is a trend going around where people who have brown hair dye the front section of their hair blonde. This girl does not have to pay to have her hair dyed because she naturally has a blonde part in her hair.
It is an interesting look that could be caused by many disorders.
Vitiligo Only On Half Of His Face
This man has vitiligo that is caused by a lack of melanin that creates patches on the skin. It is rare for someone to only have it on half their face.

Did you know Michael Jackson started wearing his famous glove to cover up the vitiligo spreading on his hand?
Extra Long Toes
This person must be able to go high on their tippy-toes because their toes are so long. This condition is known as Arachnodactyly.
This condition causes people to have slender fingers and very long toes. While some are born with it, it can also be developed later in life.
Swirly Button
He must get as many get many questions about his belly button like John Stamos. The belly button is a scar left by your umbilical cord after it is cut.
People have different belly buttons based on how their scar healed. There are innies and outies and sometimes swirls.
Coloboma In Both Eyes
This baby boy was born with Coloboma in both of his eyes. It looks like he has two cat eyes.
This condition causes the pupil to look like a keyhole and in some cases can lead to vision loss if it is not treated or monitored.
That's A Long Thumb
It is not clear why this person has an extra-long thumb, but it could be caused by using a smartphone too often.
Using your thumb often can increase the strength in your finger, and can cause a change in appearance to the thumb.
Double Thumbs
Two thumbs up! This baby girl was born with two thumbs on one hand. It is caused by polydactyly, which leads to extra fingers to be formed.
Sometimes the extra fingers or toes can be fully functional, while some do not work.
Webbed Fingers
This person must be a fast swimmer with those webbed fingers. Webbing is caused by the condition called syndactyly
It starts when a baby is in the womb during the 7th and 8th week of development.
World Wide Peace
This person noticed their peace sign was incredibly wide. It looks like bug antennas, but it is just the hypermobility of her joints.
This can happen in fingers, toes, spines, elbows, and knees.
Stripe Through The Iris
This person has Sectoral or partial heterochromia which causes different pigmentation in the iris.
This person has a brown line down the middle of their eye, and it does not affect their vision.
Only Four Fingers
Instead of extra fingers, this person has only four fingers on their hand. This occurs because of symbrachydactyly.
This occurs in the womb because of a lack of blood flow to the tissue while the fingers are forming.
His Pupil Is In A Unique Position
This person could have coloboma which causes a hole in the structure of the eye that affects the iris.
They could also have corectopia, which moved the iris and can require surgery sometimes.
Inverted Knees
You have probably seen someone who has knees that hyperextend because it is pretty common. This means when a knee is forced beyond 180 degrees in one direction.
It is common in athletes who play contact sports like soccer and football. Yoga can help stabilize and strengthen the knee ligaments and muscles.
Extra Hole In His Ear
DO you think he can hear better because he has two holes in his ear? This condition is unknown, but it is common for people to have an extra hole in their ear.
The hole is actually connected to an unusual sinus tract under the skin. It is harmless, but sometimes they can get infected.
One Eye Has No Lashes
This person has one eye without eyelashes, which is most likely related to alopecia. Many people have or will develop alopecia at some point in their lives.
It is an immune disease that causes spot baldness, which can be small or large.
Thumb With Three Phalanges
When you see the word phalange, you might be thinking of Pheobe from Friends' fake name, Regina Phalange. Here, we are not talking about Pheobe, but the parts of fingers.
This person's thumb has three phalanges instead of two. A phalange is a bone in the fingers and toes. Sometimes an extra one can be small and unnoticeable.
Very Stretchy Neck Skin
This man says his neck skin is so stretchy he can suck on it without using his hands. That's an interesting party trick.
Some people are born with flexible skin, or it can be attributed to Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which causes extra stretchy skin.
Iris Is Growing Over The Pupil
It looks like this person's eye is being taken over by an alien. It is most likely a persistent pupillary membrane.
This is a condition where the iris has a strand of tissue the crosses the pupil. It can disrupt vision if it is large enough.
Finger Goes Numb In The Winter
You have probably experienced a tingling feeling when your fingers are cold in the winter, but it fades when you get warm again. Some people are left with white and numb fingers for longer than usual.
This can happen because of limited blood flow in cold temperatures or stressful situations.
Giant Furred Mole
He must always be warm in the winter. This man has a giant furred mole that typically develops in the first year of life.
Since they appear at such a young age, they grow with the child and expand. The hair on them can be brown or black.
Black Line In A Blue Iris
This person has beautiful eyes, and their heterochromia makes them extra special.
The condition doesn't have any other symptoms usually, but it is interesting to look at.
Three-ish Toes
This condition falls under the category of polydactyly and his toes were formed together in the womb.
It can be fixed with surgery if a person wants to, or people live with it without complication.
Double Big Toenails
We wonder if she was charged extra for an extra nail. When she was in the womb, there was an error in her cells that caused an extra toe to start being formed.
The toes never separated, causing her to have an extra-large big toe.
Two Uvulas
This one is unusual because he has a split uvula. The uvula sits in the back of your throat and has many functions.
The uvula is essential for speaking. Since he has a forked uvula, his voice can be nasally sounding.
Inverted Nails
This man has a rare genetic mutation that causes his fingernails to grow inverted. His mother and grandfather both had it.
These are called spoon nails and they are caused by an immunodeficiency.