Shower Proof Eyes
There are days when the stars align and a woman's eye makeup looks like it was done by a trained group of professional makeup artists. It's at those moments when they want to make it last for as long as possible, so what should they do? Why not try wearing goggles in the shower as this girl did, with her perfect lashes that look so on fleek it's hard to even think about ruining them? It's the simplest of fixes to ensure another day of beautiful eyes.

It's not easy getting your makeup just right, and every girl wants it to last forever. If you can get another day or two out of it, why not? The goggle marks will go away, eventually. We don't recommend doing this for long periods of time, though, as it can damage your skin!
Don't Sh*t Where You Eat
Having a meal in front of the television is what we all do from time to time. Usually, it's either hunched over the coffee table or holding the plate on your lap, hoping everything won't go flying all over you and the couch. Eating on the sofa is no easy feat! But have you ever thought about this solution? Hanging a toilet seat over your head looks funny, but it works. Questions about cleanliness come to mind, so let's just assume it's clean.

This makes a snack tray like no other, that's for sure-- although it brings to mind the saying, "Don't sh*t where you eat". But, if you use a brand new seat, maybe it's not such a gross idea after all.
Vertical Standard Goes Horizontal
While some people would argue whether this is a grilled cheese or cheese-n-toast, this is not the issue here, cause we all know that grilled cheese goes in a frying pan, and is grilled with some delicious butter. What you're looking at here is a matter of perspective, from vertical to horizontal, which is definitely a game-changer for such a common kitchen appliance as the household toaster. A clever solution for every college student in the dorms-- and the rest of us too.

This opens a whole new world of food for the common toaster. Just think what else can fit in there — that day-old pizza you bought after a night out will suddenly be brought to life. The possibilities are endless!
One Woman Show
Being on the scene when breaking news take place isn't always such an easy task. The camera crew and van need to be close enough to the action for being first on the scene, to break the story. This journalist found a way around that by using her phone and a selfie stick to be ready on a moment's notice, as a true one-woman show, to report the news as they were happening.

Notice she even has a GoPro on a tripod and a microphone attached to her phone. She has the goods and the skills, no doubt. So what if it looks a little silly to bystanders!
Time Is Money
Sometimes, it's the simple things that make a big difference. It's not likely that you will need to fill four buckets of water for gardening at once like this guy here, and this is a complete time-saver. This method can be used for many other practical things, too, like pitchers of water, as long as everything has a spout. This guy may be the gardener, but his time is money too. He's maximizing it to the fullest.

He knows he's doing it right, too, with that little grin on his face. It's a skillful move that not only saves him time but heavy lifting as well. He knows what he's doing!
How to Make Water Even More Refreshing
In general, if you can help it, you're probably not drinking from a water fountain, but as far as water fountains go-- this one beats the rest. Whoever planted that slice of lemon on the top had a brilliant idea cause water is a tasteless, clear liquid we all need to survive, so adding a bit of tart lemon gives it a little tangy kick. Now, if only this were sparkling water coming out of that fountain, it would be heavenly.

With that slice of lemon chilling on top, this water fountain just got a whole lot more appealing. You could almost call this "fresh lemonade for free fountain!"
Split-Screen Helper
There's nothing more distracting than having your opponent see where you're at when playing in split-screen game mode. This is the simplest solution for gamers who love to play multiplayer games with friends and family. So take that cardboard box from the garage and open it up to make your ultimate split-screen hider device. It's that simple, and it will keep your opponent from seeing your best moves during the game.

You just have to decide whether you want to have the divider on your head or not. Maybe flip a coin to see who gets the top half of the screen.
Double the Pleasure Double the Fun
Taking a bath is always enjoyable and relaxing. Soaking in the tub after a long day has no downfalls as far as we're concerned. To make it even better, this guy brought his favorite PS4 game with him to add to the experience. Now electronics and water don't usually mix well, but he has managed this gaming bathtub feat by propping up his iPad and only using his controller. What a great idea for all the gamers out there!

A word of advice though — don't get too carried away or you'll drop the iPad or dunk the controller, and you wouldn't want that to happen in the middle of "Call of Duty".
Off Goes the Leaf Blower
Outdoor fun is an excellent way to keep kids busy. They can explore, be adventurous, and come up with cool ideas like this kid did, when he put a leaf blower and his skateboard together. Maybe he didn't want to exert himself too much by constantly pushing off the ground to get down the street. On hot summer days, we all start sweating with little effort. Leaf blowers blow with gusto, and he's moving without being even close to breaking a sweat.

With the wind in his face and an air-powered rocket in his lap, he's bound to pick up speed-- he's going to blow right by the other skateboarders in the neighborhood.
The Best Lockdown Haircut Idea
Amidst the Covid pandemic, lots of things changed, including the ability to get to the barber for a regular haircut. Many choose to cut their hair at home, and we have all seen some terrible fails as a result. This guy had the right idea for a no screw-up cut. It may take a bit of time to get this setup going, but once you do, you're guaranteed to give yourself the perfect haircut, all around.

Between the computer screen and camera setup, it's a high-tech haircut under any circumstances. No one will even know you gave yourself a haircut, cause it will look so good.
Not Missing a Single Play
Baseball is a beloved American sport, and going to the games is always memorable and fun, yet many times affording those game tickets comes with a cost-- the distance from the field. This guy knew to bring his binoculars to see the action up close, but using his phone to capture photos up close was a smart idea for sure. It's like having expensive box seats to the ballgame without having to pay the price.

Now he can show all his friends the up-close pics of a great game like he was only feet away from the action. We hope his team won!
Train Napping Minus the Stiff Neck
Napping on the train is something we all do from time to time and usually, a stiff neck ensues from the awkward positions we wind up in to get that shut-eye. Well, this guy has created a foolproof way to nap on the train without a stiff neck. A plunger stuck to the window with a rope and hook on his hat means he will never get a stiff neck again on the train.

It's pretty inventive of him, even if the girl sitting next to him is still processing the weird optics. He hasn't the slightest idea though, as he's getting in some good sleep time.
Virtual Reality Break Time
Most people work hard at their jobs, whether it be physical or mental, we all need downtime to decompress from the work. Some use break time for reading a book to relax, while others may like to chit chat with friends or scroll through their phones-- it's different for everyone, but it's certainly needed. This guy likes to use his downtime visiting another world altogether, using his virtual reality goggles.

He's clearly enjoying himself, though. who knows? He could be sunbathing on a remote Island or snorkeling in the Maldives-- VR goggles can literally take you anywhere.
This Is the Gift
Talk about a clever gift-- how many times have you bought a gift for someone and they were so excited to open it, only to find out that the batteries weren't included and you forgot to check or pick some up to go with it? It happens more than we would like, and it's a bit disappointing for you and the gift receiver. Someone's niece thought of just that, though. What a clever girl!

This may not be an expensive gift, but certainly a needed one. With all the electronics and gizmos we use these days, batteries are always in high demand and much appreciated.
The Wheel Man
Getting to work can be a hassle, and whether you're taking public transportation or driving yourself, it's always time-consuming during rush hour. This guy decided to gear up with wheels all over his suit to make his morning commute easier by not fighting traffic. Although this clearly isn't the safest invention and also dangerous as hell, you got to hand it to him for his ingenuity, even if it looks extremely difficult to use.

He has wheels all over so he can switch from one position to the next without stopping in traffic. Good thing he has a helmet, though, cause he's likely to get run over. Yikes!
This Kid Is Going Places
Traveling via train can be a struggle-- at times, it's crowded, and people are trying to squeeze into the train so they don't wait for the next one. It's even harder if you're bringing a bicycle or scooter to go the rest of the way. If you're the one bringing the bike, then you know all too well the looks you get from others, and the difficulty of holding onto the train and the bike, simultaneously.

This kid has taken train travel to the next level by hanging his scooter on the straphangers. He's got a scooter rack and a free seat all in one. No complaints!
The Noodle Cool-O-Matic
You want a nice bowl of hot soup with noodles, but you have to wait for it to cool off before you eat it. Otherwise, you will scorch your mouth, and that's never fun. Well, next time, just try this neat idea to cool your noodles. No more scalding hot noodles or broth for you when you add a fan to those chopsticks. It will save you all that time "phooo phooo phoooing" your soup.

This wouldn't work well with a spoon, and you probably need to be really good at holding chopsticks, but even still, this "Noodle Cool-O-Matic" could be the next great invention in places where chopsticks rule.
Robocop of the Future
This police officer looks part human and part robot with the helmet and stilt contraptions. One can only assume he uses them to see over traffic and everyone else. Or maybe it's for intimidation purposes or for running after criminals. No matter, though, as he looks super cool and something from a futuristic sci-fi movie. Looking like Bumble Bee from Transformers, wonder if he has augmented speech too, like a megaphone, built into the helmet.

This may be the way beat cops will look like in years to come, but for now, he's the only one we've seen walking patrol. Don't mess with him either, there's no outrunning him for sure!
The Optics of Time
This looks like the latest see-through watch by Apple, only Apple hasn't made a see-through watch quite like this yet. Give them time, though, they'll get there, but until they do, this guy made it happen anyway. He did it by taking a picture of his arm under his wristwatch and using it as his screen saver. It's one way to make people think you have the latest Apple product on the market!

It's kind of freaky, actually, almost cause for a double-take, most definitely. Next, he should try using an x-ray pic of his radius bone to really mess with people's heads.
Look Mom, No Hands
If you ever had a baby, you know that feeding time is all-consuming with bottles every two hours or so. It's exhausting and ties you up from completing other tasks, like washing those baby clothes covered in spit-up from the last feeding. It's a never-ending cycle of feeding-- and with twins, it's double of everything. These parents were smart enough to find a clever solution to be hands-free for bottle time. It's genius.

This may be the best option when having multiple newborns at the same time, but even parents with one newborn need a break sometimes, so this tops the list for feeding solutions.
Innovating Cheating
While there is no excuse for cheating, we will look the other way on this creative cheating idea. Knowing that math isn't the easiest of subjects and memorizing all the formulas is a difficult task by itself, let alone using the formulas, this girl tried to give herself a leg up by sticking the equations under her long nails. If anything, she had a better chance of passing the test, just for her ingenuity.

It's the best cribsheet hiding place you can think of-- it's written so small the teacher probably wouldn't even be able to see anything is there. Without evidence, how could she have cheated anyway?
Best of Both Worlds
Usually, you pick one means of transportation to get around town as a kid-- a bicycle, a scooter, rollerblades, or a skateboard to name a few, but not two at a time. Well, it's unclear if this kid couldn't make up his mind, lost one rollerblade, or thought it was easier to balance the scooter with an extra set of wheels on the other foot. Either way, he's definitely having fun and has the best of both worlds.

Altogether he has six wheels to get around on. Maybe he's faster, maybe he's more stable, it's hard to tell, but he's surely on the go with an interesting method.
Hands-Free Phone-Friendly Rain Gear
Umbrellas and raincoats still leave you wet on rainy days, no matter how hard you try to stay dry. This little guy has an awesome solution, cause he's hands-free with such a large circle around him he's bound to stay dry-- as long as he doesn't jump in muddy puddles. We could all use something like this on rainy days, who knows, maybe it would keep other people's umbrellas from poking us too.

No worries about browsing your phone either with this cool rain gear. The clear window keeps the phone dry too, which makes this the best hands-free, phone-friendly rain gear around.
Sizzle No More
"That's too much bacon", said no one ever. It's the all-American breakfast meat, no doubt about that. Mouthwatering goodness does come with a sizzling price that your hands usually pay for-- well, not anymore. This genius idea will give you crisp burnt bacon minus the casualty of frying yourself too. You don't have to debate whether the piping hot popping fat will discourage your plans for making shaking bacon every morning ever again.

It's just the simplest of solutions for every bacon lover's problem. One plastic bottle cut in half becomes your spitting bacon fat shield. Go ahead now, and eat that bacon every day.
A Super-Sized Travel Box
The breakfast variety, travel pack cereal sold in the supermarket is designed to be eaten out of the box, it's even perforated in the middle of the box for easy access. This idea is the same principle on a larger scale, because who doesn't want to eat the whole box of Reese's Puff in one sitting? Just think of how much time is saved from not refilling the bowl, and there's only the spoon to wash.

If you're going to give this a try the next time you are craving a whole box of cereal, just remember to cut carefully so you don't spring a leak halfway through.
Double Duty Phone Charger
Cellphones are no longer a luxury but a necessity that we all use way more than we should. The need to constantly charge the phone is a daily nuisance as outlets to charge aren't always in the most accessible places when out and about. School, the airport, and many other places don't make it easy to charge on the go. That's why this is one of the most beneficial hacks everyone should try.

When there is no place to lay the phone, use the charger itself as a phone holder and never again let your phone lay on a public germ-riddled surface, right?
Double Duty Hat
We wish public transportation had built-in screens on the backs of seats like most cars do these days, but that isn't the reality, not by a long shot, and won't be anytime soon. No worries though, try this nifty solution by rigging a baseball cap to the seat in front of you and plop that cellphone in there. You get the same effect of having a backseat screen, at good eye level too.

This will save you on a stiff neck and sweaty hands from all that looking down holding your phone. Live streaming on public transportation just got so much more enjoyable.
Drive-Thru Trash Can
Taking out the garbage is everyone's house chore, whether we like it or not. Walking the trash can to the curb is just part of life if you live in a house with a driveway. This guy thinks it's completely absurd to walk it, so he's driving it instead. He may have a long driveway, so he did the sanitation workers a solid by driving it to the curb-- very thoughtful!

He seems to have solved his trash day problems and maybe the only person sitting in a car while taking out the garbage. It looks like less effort, and he's only using one hand.
No Chase Pedicure
No dog in their right mind will allow you to clip their nails without a struggle. They will run, hide, and wiggle their way out of it, hoping you will tire out and surrender the cause for another day. This dad wasn't going to have it, so he had a creative idea to hang the dog from a cut-up handbag-- this dog isn't going anywhere now, and this dad cut his nails without the chase.

Dad looks pretty proud of himself for this inventive solution to dog grooming days. Now the dog may be stuck hanging around but no more scratching up the house or its owners.
Why Choose One When You Can Have It All
Standing in front of the cereal cabinet deciding which one to choose can sometimes leave you perplexed about what you're in the mood for-- why should you commit to a single cereal when you can have a bit of each. This Tupperware divided dish makes it possible for you to satisfy your palette on all fronts. You may never have to choose one cereal again because committing can be difficult sometimes.

This person is feeling Cinnamon Toast Crunch with some Cheerios, Cornflakes on the side. Maybe a chocolatey cereal like Cocoa Puffs and Lucky Charms or Trix for something sweet on the side. Yum Yum!
The Ultimate Lazy Boy
We all have our favorite chair that once you get comfortable in, you don't want to move from. Well, this kid just came up with the best solution for drinking and chilling at the same time. Make yourself a super long straw, so you don't have to keep reaching for that drink in the middle of your favorite show on TV. It's such a simple solution for chilling on your Lazy Boy.

Apparently, this kid found the perfect Lazy Boy at Costco or Sam's club, and the guy passing by is either amazed at the long straw or just considering getting that Lazy Boy, either way, he's impressed.
A Low-Tech Bluetooth Solution
If you left your Bluetooth home or your earbuds aren't working but still need to be on the phone while driving, no worries, this guy has the solution for you. Just find yourself a rubber band in your glovebox and attach that phone to your head. It's still considered hands-free, so you won't get a ticket, and while you may look silly driving around with your phone stuck to your head--It works.

This guy can't afford to not do business while heading to work-- after all, time is money. He may have a mark on his head afterward but it's worth it to him.
Access Where It Counts
This is the coolest idea for hair salons everywhere. Who doesn't want to be on their phone while getting a haircut? It beats staring at yourself or listening to all the chatty stylists gossiping. This haircut cape really solves the problem of wanting to be on the phone while you get your hair done, or flipping through that stylist magazine because maybe you aren't sure what style you want to get.

No more crunching up the cape on the side to check your messages, now go ahead and scroll. Finish that article you stumbled across and didn't want to put down before you got in the chair.
Working Mojo
Working in an office, as many of you know, can be confining with white walls, cubicles, computers, and desks comprising most or all of the office. It's not so comfortable for eight-hour stretches at a time, but this is work and not a vacation, right? This guy put fake grass under his desk to give his feet the illusion of being outside. It's a sensory solution for the feet since they are usually ignored.

So why not add some fake grass underneath your desk to rub your feet on. Just close your eyes and imagine you're chilling at the park, catching some rays, and squishing your toes on the grass.
The Apples Don't Fall Far From the Tree
They say dogs take on the personalities of their owners and this sure looks that way; a case of lazy walking syndrome-- pun intended. The dogs are in a stroller, and the owner is on a mini segway. It seems like they all don't want the walk but enjoy the fresh air outside. It's not easy walking mans' best friend three times a day, so this saves everyone time and effort.

It's a smart idea to use a mini segway for walking the dogs especially if it's a long walk around town, plus they all beat the heat by not working up a sweat.
No Diving Allowed
Apartment living usually has limitations, like no yard space for a garden or a pool, but that didn't stop this guy from turning his balcony into a mini pool during the dog days of summer. What better way to beat the heat than relaxing in the pool that's just steps from your living room? A waterproof tarp and a garden hose attached to the sink are all that's needed for this make-shift pool.

Getting the water out may be a problem, but he can worry about that later, although the neighbors may be worrying about that now. It beats having a kiddy pool.
Bath Time Buffet
Most dogs know when it's bath time, it's like they can sense it in your tone, coaxing them into the bathroom. Why else would they be heading to the bathroom anyway? This is, by far, an ingenious idea for bathing the dog though. What dog doesn't love peanut butter? No dog. They have no reason to resist when bath time comes with an all-you-can-eat peanut butter buffet. Simply genius!

May no dog ever bathe again without proper peanut butter persuasion. He even has his head tilted up so he won't get water in his eyes. He'll stay all day, no problem.
Front Seat Theater
Most cars nowadays have screens built into the seats for the kiddos to watch a movie and not keep asking, "Are we there yet?". But they don't make screens available for the front-seat passenger, which doesn't seem fair, now does it. Luckily for this lady, she created a front-seat movie theater using her iPad and the sun visor. She won't creak her neck because it's just the right height too.

As long as the driver isn't distracted by the screen, this is an awesome way to pass the time and catch up on some Netflix shows, whether stuck in traffic or on a long drive.
Toaster Impromptu
Irons are not just for getting the wrinkles out of clothes or steaming slacks, they can be used for heating food too. This may seem a little strange, but finding yourself in a situation where there isn't a microwave or toaster oven available happens more than you think. For instance, being at a hotel where almost every room has an iron in the closet, but no microwave makes it problematic for reheating food.

This is when that iron comes into play because heating a slice of pizza on top of an iron, believe it or not, will taste better than soggy pizza from the microwave.
Don't Mess With a Preggers Lady
Everyone knows that going to the movies is expensive. The tickets cost you a pretty penny, and then you pay an arm and a leg for snacks at the concession stand. It's easily a 100 dollar night out for a movie for two, and you still walk out hungry anyway. This girl has a brilliant idea for sneaking in her snacks with no chance for anyone questioning her. Pregnant women get all the breaks.

This is exactly where all the snacks go-- in your belly, before and after. Next time you head to the movies, get a styrofoam bowl, make sure you bring a date to the show-- even if it's your sister.