When You Want That Thick Brow Look
Following today's eyebrow beauty trend, this woman wanted big, bushy eyebrows, so she could look like most of today's bushy-browed models. However, something went very wrong after her trip to the beauty salon. Even though she asked for an eyebrow tint, thread, and wax, a seemingly normal request for eyebrow care, she ended up with the unexpected: itchy, red, scabby eyebrows. Everyone will look at this poor woman's eyebrows now but for the wrong reasons!
This poor woman wanted mega brows but got scabby brows instead. This is not the look that women want when they think about eyebrow trends. Talk about a painful, scary experience!
A Walmart-Approved Hairstyle
Using a plastic bag or plastic shower cap is a typical part of the process of bleaching hair, both at home and in hair salons. The next step is to blow dry the covered head as heat helps the hair absorb the bleach. However, as this woman found out, applying heat to any plastic bag hair covering that has an ink logo printed on it will transfer that logo to your hair.
As this woman used a Walmart bag to keep the heat in, she is now the Walmart bag herself. The good news is that the logo typically washes out or fades.
Chin Up, The Face Rash Will Disappear
The viral “Kylie Lip Challenge” sounded cool but turned into a disaster, as this young woman proves. Her red and swollen lower lip and chin are a result of trying to achieve Kylie Jenner's full lips. She is one of many who used a small jar, bottle, or lid to create a suction meant to enlarge her lips so she could resemble Kylie Jenner's luscious lips. What she didn't know was that Jenner had lip-enhancement procedures, not a suction cup, at her disposal.
In trying to look like someone else, specifically a social influencer with money for surgery, this woman suffered from embarrassment and a bad rash. Her PSA: Don't do the Kylie Jenner challenge!
Surviving By A Hair
This woman innocently tried to dye her hair but found herself in the hospital emergency room instead after suffering a severe allergic reaction to the hair dye that caused her whole face to swell. This is the perfect example of why people need to first test hair and beauty products on a small area before using the full amount on larger parts of the body. Some beauty treatments may cause discomfort, but allergic reactions are serious.
After this extremely scary and dangerous hair-dying experience, she understandably said that she's never coloring her hair again. Who wants to risk their life for a different hair color and look?
A Look That Raises Eyebrows
While feathered hair was a very popular hairstyle back in the 1980s, it's a trend that doesn't resonate today. This is especially true for feathered eyebrows! Perhaps this woman was trying to be creative by shaping and brushing her eyebrows into an upward feathered style, but the look seems more frightening and odd than trendy. And judging by what she herself said about the look, we're guessing she would agree with this assessment.
"Why do my brows look like brown grass?" she wrote alongside the shot. We're glad to hear that she's aware of this beauty mishap and needs to fix it.
Pink Is The New Tan
Women all want to have radiant skin that glistens and shines, but skin as pink as the Pink Panther is a bit of an exaggeration. This woman looks like she was tanning in the sun for way too long and got severely sunburnt or else fell into a vat of pink lemonade powder. It turns out that she used Lush skin products, which had the ghastly effect of what she was aiming for.
Once this woman's shock at her bright pink skin faded into just embarrassment, she couldn't help but ask whether Lush products are supposed to stain human skin fluorescent pink.
How About Sweatproof Mascara?
Don't wear mascara and work out! This should be the first beauty rule. Sure, women want to look good all the time, whether in the office, out and about or even at the gym. However, going natural may be the best way to maintain your natural beauty when working out. Otherwise, you may sweat your mascara off and end up looking like this woman, with black streaks running down her face.
If you do find yourself wearing makeup to the gym, be sure you apply waterproof mascara so that when you inevitably sweat, your face won't have black streaks.
Talk About A Hot Hair Style
There's nothing new or shocking about the fact that curling irons get hot. The question is, what happens when they get too hot? This woman had the unfortunate firsthand experience of using a curling iron that was so hot it burned her hair off! She shared her shocking lesson with an online audience, saying that her hair had just burnt off and warning everyone of the dangers of not paying attention to curling irons' heat intensity.
While beauty mishaps can be funny, they can also be painful and involve hair loss, like what happened to this woman. She learned that heat protection spray is an important tool.
Lip Waxing Or Lip Burning?
Waxing for the sake of beauty is full of sacrifice and pain. There's no way to make pulling hair from your skin follicles pleasant or pain-free. True, as some body parts are less sensitive than others, waxing may feel differently according to where the hair is being pulled from. Waxing upper-lip hair, like this woman did, may sting a little, but it shouldn't result in burning skin and a red mustache.
She explained that her new red mustache came about after she accidentally burned her lip while trying to wax, which is so painful. Now her look isn't stellar, and she's in pain. A lose-lose.
Explosive Foundation
Usually, foundation is only meant to be applied to one's face to cover up pimples or fix an uneven skin tone. Here, it seems that the bathroom got a good layer of foundation instead when an expensive tube exploded upon opening and splattered all over the sink and mirror. Talk about a total waste of money and makeup! Travelers should know that this can happen to them when they take their foundation on planes where the air pressure changes.
Most, if not all, people would not wish on their worst enemy the experience of having their tube of pricy foundation explode on them. Talk about an expensive mess to clean up.
Don't Monkey Around With Gorilla Glue!
No matter your gender or age, everyone should take a serious lesson from the woman who used Gorilla Glue spray adhesive as a replacement for hairspray when she ran out of the real thing. Let this be a lesson to everyone and anyone with hair: Super Glue is not hairspray! Poor woman, she learned her lesson the hard way when she ended up in the hospital emergency room with headaches and a burning scalp.
Using industrial-strength Super Glue instead of hairspray is a big beauty no-no! Trying to look beautiful should not land anyone in the hospital, ever. Nothing will happen if your hair doesn't stay in place.
How Not To Blend
Blending with bronzer is a good makeup technique to help people achieve a toned look by toning down what they've applied to their face so they can look more natural. When blended correctly, bronzer can give the wearer a natural tan look. However, when poorly blended, or not at all, as this woman in the picture has done, bronzer can make a face look awful and even clown-like. It's no wonder she's asking why can't she blend!
For the best results, it's recommended to look for tips on how to blend bronzer and apply it. As shown here, it's better not to put bronzer all over your face.
Curls Are Not The Answer
It's a fact of life that people often want what they don't have. Take, for instance, hairstyle. People with curly hair want straight hair and pay to get it straightened. Same with people who have straight hair. They pay to get curls, like this woman in the picture. Her expression shows that she's not impressed with how they turned out. It may not be the best look for her, but hopefully, the curls aren't permanent.
According to this woman, people said that curly hair would look good on her. She shouldn't have believed them. Or else she should have had a more professional hairstylist.
A New Meaning for Lashing Out
Getting your eyelashes done is supposed to be a fun, simple beauty treatment. There's a reason that many women love going to the beauty parlor to get their eyelashes professionally dyed or curled or to get false eyelashes. But what happens in those rare instances when what's supposed to be a regular treatment goes very bad? This woman went to get her lashes done, and they all fell out!
This poor woman experienced a severe allergic reaction to the false eyelashes that her beautician applied, causing her lower lash area to burn in pain before having her real lashes fall out.
A Sticky Situation
This young girl with a misguided eye for beauty tried to enhance her look by applying fake eyelashes to herself. What's next is horrible but somewhat predictable: she accidentally and unknowingly used Super Glue as an adhesive instead of eyelash glue. It's hard to imagine the look of shock and concern on her parents' faces after they saw this mishap, not to mention the amount of pain she was in.
No joke, she used Super Glue to attach these. This is a lesson she will remember for the rest of her life, especially if she ever tries to apply false lashes again.
DYI Haircuts Out Of Boredom Are Never A Good Idea
It is never a good idea to give yourself a haircut as a way to pass the time during an extended time at home, like during Covid quarantine. This woman did just that and to horrible and embarrassing results. She was bored and overly confident in her haircutting and beautician abilities, which turned out badly. So badly, in fact, that she admits that quarantine plus boredom plus overconfidence equals the monstrosity of a haircut pictured.
Perhaps this woman should have read up on the fine art of giving herself a haircut before she took hair scissors and cut her own previously lustrous and beautiful long hair. At least hair grows back.
A Disgusting Mistake
An unbelievably hilarious yet disgusting beauty accident happened to one woman with poor eyesight. It seems like an impossible mistake to make, but a daughter got a message from her mom that she couldn't put her false eyelashes on because she couldn't see well without her glasses. As it turns out, the mom was trying to glue a dead fly to her eyelid. This is quite a gross and disturbing example of a beauty routine gone very, very wrong.
False eyelashes can add a lot of charm and beauty to anyone's look. However, they need to be applied correctly in order to work. Most importantly, the person needs to apply actual false eyelashes.
When Cheap Products Lead To Pain
Beauty doesn't have to mean sacrifice or pain. But it may if you choose to buy the cheapest products. It's better to spend the money on products that have instructions and lists of ingredients you can read to make sure there isn't anything you are allergic to. This woman bought cheap hair dye online without instructions in English. She then slathered everything onto her scalp, resulting in blisters and bald patches.
She was obviously allergic to what was in the hair dye, which she carelessly had slathered all over her scalp. Her hair, thankfully, is growing back after the grey dye disaster.
Rethink The Microblading Trend
Another trend in eyebrow fashion is micro-blading, a tattoo technique that requires a small tool with many tiny needles that is used to add semi-permanent pigment to the skin. The purpose of micro-blading is to create full, realistic-looking brows. Unfortunately, this woman's brows look the opposite of full or realistic. Obviously, they were not done correctly.
These eyebrows were obviously not micro-bladed well. The hair strokes are way too straight and far apart to look realistic. The fact that these were considered hair strokes is a big joke!
Flushing Away Makeup And Beauty Standards
What happens when your cat decides he's had it with unreasonable beauty standards? This person's cat made a mess of her makeup kit, trashing the bathroom with makeup, makeup brushes, lipstick, and other beauty aides as if to show that he's had it with the unfair demands placed on women to enhance their natural beauty. This cat is not a fan! Perhaps the owner should take the hint and rebel.
Looking at this mess of a bathroom and toilet that the house cat is responsible for suggests that the cat's owner needs to visit the makeup counter immediately for more beauty supplies and then visit a professional cat trainer!
A Little Bubbly
Carbonated bubble masks can be a lot of fun. After all, what's not fun about soaking in bubbles? The only catch is that the bubbles expand once the mask is applied to the skin, and the carbonated bubbles get a chance to oxidize with the air. Sure, you may look like an ever-expanding ghost, but at least there's no pain involved in this facial mask, especially as it gets bigger.
This carbonated facial mask may be a painless way to help beautify yourself. There don't seem to be any downsides to this beauty aide, at least none that have been reported.
Shampoo Is For Cleaning Hair Not Make It Fall Out
Patch tests are proven to save people from bad allergic reactions and painful or embarrassing results. Check out this woman who didn't take the time to test out a sample of the shampoo on a small area of her hair before using a regular portion of it. The result is bald patches. She is one of more than 200 women who sued the Wen shampoo brand for causing harm after they used it.
Don't wait to start testing new makeup or shampoo products until you are going bald, like the woman here. Ok, so you can't deny this. The shampoo she used left her balding.
Unwelcome Results Of A Facial
Some facials leave skin feeling rejuvenated and fresh. Others can cause more pimples and misery than their worth. That's what happened to this woman, who went for a facial and, after a few days, experienced a severe breakout of unattractive pimples filled with pus across her whole face. Typically, some redness in the face may occur immediately after a facial, but this degree of pus seems extreme and extremely unwelcome.
It is quite unfortunate for someone's face to erupt in this many pimples a few days after a facial. This poor recipient said that a facial ravaged her skin. That seems an understatement.
Eyelash Curlers Or Cutters?
Eyelashes are a very delicate feature. Sure, they look better when curled, but is this look really worth the risk of using a bad eyelash curler that can rip out the eyelashes instead of curling them? The woman pictured here experienced the worst-case scenario, causing her to exclaim that her eyelash curlers should have been called eyelash cutters. Not only does she look bald, but she also looks like she's in pain.
True, hair does grow back with time, but butchering a haircut is completely different than butchering an eyelash treatment. Bald in the eyelids looks more obvious than a haircut that is bad or too short.
Lip Challenge Fail
This is the second young female victim of Kylie Jenner's lip challenge, which challenges young women to enhance their lips by using bottles or round objects as suctions to perfect their pout. Instead, these naive girls are left with red, swollen lips and rashes or bruises around their mouths. Talk about a Kylie lip challenge fail! This young woman has certainly learned her lesson, but in a very painful way.
As a result of this social media challenge, beauty companies saw increased sales of lip-enhancing products, which were safer than this viral Kylie Jenner challenge that teens were suffering from.
Terribly Two-Toned
There are many ways to change a hairstyle. When it comes to changing one's hair color, some women prefer the more obvious bleaching technique, while others prefer the more subtle highlighting technique. Here, this woman chose to color by hand different shades into her hair. Unfortunately, the result is an uneven mess of different colors that don't blend together. It's terrible. More than that, it's shameful because her hair had been so pretty beforehand.
The next time this woman decides to add different shades to her hair, maybe she'll go to a professional colorist to have it done right. What a shame to ruin her hair.
Messy Braid Or Just A Mess?
Women of all ages eagerly shell out a lot of money to get their faces and hair to look absolutely perfect, or at least pretty. But even spending big bucks doesn't guarantee that you'll get the look you've been aiming for or imagining. Almost everyone can remember a hairdresser who failed to deliver a promised look. The woman pictured here wanted a bohemian, natural-looking, purposely messy braid. However, her hairdresser managed to make a mess of her hair.
So much for the purposely messy look. Instead, this woman got too much of a tangly mess and not enough braid. Let's hope she asked her hairdresser to try again for a prettier braid.
Beauty Requires The Ability To Breathe
Corsets have never been an ideal or healthy beauty trend. Sure, they were popular in the Victorian era, but how many poor women suffered internal pain and discomfort because of them? Whoever thought about bringing back the concept of an updated corset certainly did not have women's comfort or health in mind. These waist trainers are intended to help train your waist to get smaller. Not only do they obviously not work, but they cause muscle pain and make it hard to breathe.
These waist trainers look ridiculous, uncomfortable, and painful. The people pictured here who bought and tried out these waist trainers can't really move and wonder why they did this.
Why Hair Ties Only Belong In Hair
It's nothing new for young and older women to wear their hair ties on their wrists. For some, it's even a fashion statement! However, for this woman, wearing her scrunchie on her wrist resulted in a huge, red, and painful abscess forming there. At first, she thought it was an insect bite, but it turned out that this humungous, scary-looking bump was actually from bacteria hidden in her hair tie.
A warning to all women who prefer to wear their seemingly harmless scrunchie on their wrist than in their hair. This woman got this from wearing a hair tie on her wrist.
A Taste Of Eyeshadow
If it smells like chocolate, it must be chocolate; unless, of course, it is chocolate-smelling cosmetics. This little babe confused the eyeshadow palette pictured here that smells like chocolate. In fact, it's called “The Chocolate Bar” and has shades of eyeshadow that are set into a tray that resembles a chocolate bar. It's no wonder that little ones may confuse this eyeshadow for the real thing.
While the babe pictured here might have an upset stomach after tasting chocolate-smelling eyeshadow, her mom probably feels worse at the thought of wasting $40 worth of perfectly good eyeshadow.
A Manic Manicure
This picture shows one hot pink mess of a manicure. It's as if the person painting the nails was drunk or just never learned how to color inside the lines as a kid. It's hard to tell how many layers of nail polish, glitter, or gel there are on each fingernail. It will take a miracle worker or else a very talented nail technician to fix that crazy mess. Good luck trying!
This failed manicure shows that it takes a specially trained person to make someone's nails and hands look classy. A professional manicure requires someone who is experienced. It is sure harder than it looks.
Keep Teeth And The Sink White
Nothing says beauty like a healthy smile filled with white teeth. So, if you're looking to whiten your teeth, try charcoal toothpaste. But first, know that there's a bit of controversy surrounding its safety. Some say it whitens teeth, while others claim that it can weaken tooth enamel. This person took a chance on charcoal toothpaste, but instead of whitening his teeth, he left a big black powdery mess everywhere.
This person certainly needs a new technique for brushing his teeth with charcoal toothpaste. It whitens teeth, blackens everything else. Hopefully, this toothpaste won't stain the sink or her teeth.
When The Dog Digs Makeup
A makeup blender is a vital part of any makeup kit. The soft, squishy pad helps women apply and blend their foundation and other makeup for the most natural and accentuated look. What's not to love about a makeup blender? Well, apparently, this person's dog felt the same way and tried to eat it or lick it - to death. The owner appreciated her blender so much that she asked for a moment of silence for the fallen soldier.
A dog-torn makeup blender does no good to anyone, human or pet. The owner needs a new blender for her own peace of mind and to achieve her maximum beauty potential. The dog needs professional training.
Face Mask Or Form Of Torture?
Face masks are usually advertised as being soothing and rejuvenating. However, sometimes advertising is misleading, as this woman found out. She tried a homemade face mask that contained cinnamon, and that was advertised as having regenerating, purifying, and antioxidant properties. Unfortunately, she discovered only after the fact that cinnamon is actually a skin irritant and can cause the skin to burn. Many other users also discovered that this face mask caused pain.
After falling victim to false advertising, this woman couldn't believe that she literally ruined her skin with a face mask that contained ingredients that weren't meant for or good for skincare.
That's One Smokin' Mirror
Natural light, especially natural sunlight, is helpful when applying makeup and touching up facial features. But who would've thought that the combination of a makeup mirror and direct sunlight could end in disaster? The owner of this makeup mirror said that no joke; her mirror caught on fire mirror when she left it next to the window, and it reflected sunlight. The small fire that resulted destroyed a bunch of stuff, leaving behind a counter full of ash.
Words of wisdom to remember the next time you set up your makeup station: don't leave your makeup mirror next to any window. This woman learned this important lesson the hard way. Let's hope she doesn't do this ever again.
Give A Hand To Gloves
Purple is a great color for clothes or accessories, but not for skin and especially not for hands. When dying your hair - or that of a friend or family member, it's important to remember to buy and use hand gloves. Usually, dye kits come with gloves, but even if they don't, it's worth getting your own pair. Otherwise, you can end up with purple hands, like this woman.
This woman's hands turned purple on her second dye job. It seems that she better get used to having purple skin for the next few weeks until the dye fades.
A Manicure To Hide
Just like guests can overstay their welcome, so too can manicures! This person is in desperate need of acetone to take off the nail gel or polish that is remaining from what was once a seemingly nice manicure. No one wants to see uneven and chipped nail polish. It's better to hide your hands than show this mess of a manicure. Even the woman acknowledges that she needs someone to help her!
It looks as if this person tried to pick off the manicure remnants but with no success. That's what acetone is for! It looks like she'll need tons of it.
Rethink Getting A Henna Tattoo
Getting a tattoo is a serious commitment, which is why getting a temporary henna tattoo can be a great compromise. However, sometimes in life, things go wrong. Pictured here is the arm of a 16-year-old teen from England after getting a henna tattoo in Turkey while on vacation. What was supposed to be a lovely tattoo quickly started scabbing over, causing painful burning. This person got a henna tattoo, and now her skin is coming off.
Apparently, the synthetic dye used in this henna tattoo was not regulated by the European Union or US FDA, and this person could suffer from permanent scarring. Not beautiful at all. Talk about a tattoo experience she'll remember.
Pretty In Pink... Or Not
Hair dye is strong stuff. There's a reason that gloves come with each kit - or should anyway. The chemicals in hair dye are strong enough to make your eyes water, not to mention stain your surroundings. That's what happened to this person's bathroom. It's a wonder to know exactly how this bright neon pink dye spilled, but there's no question that it'll remain on that sink for a long while.
This image makes one wonder, will this person's hair actually be worth this? What a pink mess to have to clean. It'll be interesting to see if the stains ever come off. Otherwise, a pink sink may be the new bathroom design.
Soap Or Torture Device?
While mint and tea tree body soap sound like it will be a soothing body wash, sometimes things aren't what they seem. This shower gel, which boasts that it contains real mint leaves that are supposed to tingle, left the user in pain. Perhaps the unnatural green color of this soap should have been a hint to stay away from it. Instead, the user experienced an unpleasant tingling sensation that bordered on pain.
When people caution others not to use a particular body soap, warning them not to wash with it because it is actually painful, consumers should take heed - even at the expense of beauty.