No One Noticed Her Haircut
This girl is going places! She knows how to make a joke at her own expense.
We bet her hair is beautiful under her stylish hijab. Even if she got a bad haircut, no one would ever know!
High School Will Be Fun, They Said
Just wait till you get to college Randey. The bike will turn into a motorcycle, and the firey ground will become lava.
Then, once you graduate college, it is even worse than a fiery hell. It's slow-burning and painful.
"We Are Not Related"
The last name Nguyen is a very popular last name around the world. In Australia, it is the seventh most common family name!
It is cute that they all coordinated their yearbook quotes just so no one can look back and think that they are quadruplets.
He Must Be Really Happy To Graduate
It is hilarious when people can make a joke about the stereotype that people have about their ethnicity.

When you are happy, your eyes get all scrunched up. Combine that with already having smaller eyes, he can barely see!
Never Use The Unforgivable Curses
His name does sound like a former Hogwarts student who was probably in Slytherin house. He probably was trying to make some Horcruxes and they realized he was the second coming of Voldemort.
Also, this reminds us of the Key and Peele skit when he takes attendance and says everyone's names wrong. The teacher has probably messed up this name before.
Her Positivity Is Refreshing
When you start laughing at yourself, there are few things that can actually offend you.

In our society today, everyone is obsessed with their looks and how they are seen on social media. This girl is a positive role model!
Sibling Rivalry
Any older sibling, even if they are only older by a few minutes, would probably say the same thing — those times when they were an only child and had all their parent's attention.

If you are an older sibling, did you enjoy the time better before your siblings were born?
Don't Let Him Fool You
Have you ever received a spam email saying that a prince or princess from a foreign country needs you to help them by sending them money? Hopefully, you knew it was fake and didn't send money.
No one else could pull off this joke like him, and it's so creative. The person next to him should have written, "I won't fall for that scam a Segun time."
If You Can't Laugh At Yourself, No One Can
Can he wiggle his ears like Alfalfa from The Little Rascals? Don't try to whisper around him because he hears everything.

His ears might be big, but his eyebrows are perfection.
"It's Hard Being A Single Mother, Especially When You Have No Children And Are A Teenage Male."
This is the most random quote ever, but it is absolutely hilarious. How did he come up with this brilliant quote that will gown down in yearbook history?

Years from now, his children will see this and wonder what their dad was thinking.
Professor Quirrell Is That You
A hijab is worn by women to maintain modesty, typically for Muslim women. In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Professor Quirrell wore a head wrap to hide the fact that Voldemort had possessed him.

It is much funnier to tell people that you are walking around with Voldemort than giving them an actual explanation.
A "Can Do"Attitude
Wow, this guy should be a motivational speaker. He made being called trash a compliment. No one wants to be called trash, but now it is something positive.
Also, it's like saying, "yeah you're trash, but that doesn't mean you fully suck."
He Prefers Tea
It would be amazing if this was the moment he chose to come out. He says nothing and hopes that everyone reads his yearbook quote.
More power to you for being so true to yourself and admitting that you don't like coffee.
What A Poet
Well, there is not much to say about this one other than the fact that he is a great poet.

You can't really argue with his logic. Those are all true statements.
Joe McDonald Didn't Have A Farm, Ee I Ee I O
"With a moo-moo here and a moo-moo there, here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo-moo." Maybe his grandpa was the one with the farm.

The song does say Old McDonald had the farm, and this boy is not nearly old enough to have a fully functioning farm.
He Should Have Listened To His Mom
When you do something just to irritate your mom, but now it is in your yearbook forever, and there is no way to get rid of it.
His mom clearly didn't understand that he wanted to show off his muscular legs in his jorts and muscle tank. This photo could also be captioned, "'Merica."
His Parents Did That On Purpose
He's so nice they named him twice! It's a good name because no one can know your first name without knowing your last name and vice versa.

This quote alone isn't funny, but the fact that his first and last name is the same makes it hilarious.
Megan Is A Free Elf
Don't get too excited, Megan. You have college next which traps you with student loans, and then once you graduate, you have to pay bills.
You get to be a free elf for the two months following graduation, and then you are trapped in school again.
Don't Forget Your Hips For Never Lying
It is nice to see that he can always be thankful for his body. If he only thanked one finger, does that mean he can only count to one?

Can you imagine if he held up his hand and he only had one finger, but everyone thought it was a spelling mistake?
She Has A Point
To be completely honest, no man can compete with the pure joy you get from a good night's sleep.
Everyone needs to sleep. Sleeping is fun, it's good for your brain and health, and it makes you happier.
Beat Them To The Punchline
If she marries someone with the last name Hum, she can be Ho-Hum. Or she if she marries someone also with he last name Ho, she can be Ho-Ho.
This is the one time you can turn a Ho into a wife. Michelle Ho has made her family proud.
Pronounced "Pareekeet"
He must have had to say this all the time when he got a new teacher, there was a substitute, or he met someone new.

He made it his senior quote cause that was the thing he said over and over throughout high school.
Unexpected But Still Loved
You know what they say, "Two is always better than one." Their parents have more children to love and now, two college tuitions to pay.
How do these twins know who was planned and who was not? Did they flip a coin to decide that one was the original embryo?
She used her smarts to get around this loophole and still got to use her original quote. This girl is our hero.
Do you think her dad laughed or got mad when he saw what she ended up putting in the yearbook?
How Did This Get Approved?
Shockingly, the school let this quote stay in the yearbook. Either the yearbook coordinator knows how to take a joke, or they didn't understand the joke.
Is this really the legacy you want to leave when you graduate, Connor? What will you think about that in 20 years?
"Dad I'm Only In High School"
When you are just graduating high school and your parents expect you to have a full-time job that requires years of schooling.

That is a reasonable request for an 18-year-old, right? Maybe Daniel will pursue a different career.
High School Helped Her Find Herself
High school is a time to find out who you really are. You can reinvent yourself and try out different looks, hairstyles, and attitudes. Amberlyn was able to discover her sexuality during her four years in school.

Once you are comfortable with who you are, you can be your true self and life is better.
Every Guy On Every Dating App Ever
Have you ever gone on a dating app, and the person's pictures turn out to not be a good representation of them? This guy feels like his yearbook picture is not the best representation of him.

Some people just aren't photogenic, and that's ok. Not everyone is meant to be a model.
He Turnips In The Garden
This quote is bizarre beyond anything we could imagine. Does this person actually roll around and pretend to be a carrot? Does their neighbor still not know?

We are not sure where this quote originated, but whoever thought of it must be an interesting person.
Was This Planned?
Noah and Mason, we need some answers about these quotes. Did you plan this, or do you both love bubbles? Maybe someone saw the quotes and saw a good opportunity and put their quotes together.
Where are Noah and Mason today? Are they still trying to convince people that the quotes were a coincidence?
That's One Excuse For Bad Grades
When you have tried as hard as you can to improve your grades, but that hasn't worked so you put them up for adoption instead.
Maybe someone else can improve them for you, not that we are promoting cheating.
And It's All Down Hill From There
One hundred thirteen thousand eight hundred eighty hours is 4,745 days and about 13 years/ That is a lot of time to spend in school, only to have to go to more school. You spend that much time in school, and when you graduate, you are only qualified to work at a fast-food chain.
We wonder what her quote would be when she graduates college. "I spent four years and hundreds of thousands of dollars for a piece of paper and no job opportunities."
You Monster!
Some people choose to not eat meat because they feel bad for animals, and others choose to be vegetarian in spite of plants.
Plants and animals are friends, but eating them is part of the food chain.
Copy + Paste
These identical twins are copies of each other, and it is hard to tell them apart, so they made a joke out of it. Did you know people named their children "Dollar?"
They also look way too old to be in high school. Some seniors must mature faster than others.
"I Always Knew Brooke Would End Up On Top Of Me."
Blake has had a crush on Brooke for the entirety of high school. He never got a chance with her, so this was his time to shoot his shot.

The yearbook may be the only chance he has to be close to Brooke, and we respect his bold attempts to get her attention.
That's A Funny Joke
Triplets are a rarity, so when there is a set of them, everyone in school knows who they are. These three were excited to graduate because they can stop being called "the triplets."
We wish our yearbook had quotes as funny as these. Usually, people use inspirational quotes, and they don't get creative.
But Everyone Wears The Same Thing For Yearbook Pictures
When you claim to dress well, but you are wearing the same tuxedo as every other male in your graduating class.
We applaud them for stepping out of the closet and hope they are finally living their best life, but a black tux is hardly an inspired fashion choice.
Try Now Ask For Forgiveness Later
You know what they say, "It is easier to ask for forgiveness than beg for permission." Instead of asking for the bike he took one and will seek forgiveness later.

Will he be forgiven for taking the bike? The owner probably wasn't too happy, so it might not be easier to ask for forgiveness in this situation.
Mission Impossible
When you have suffered through thirteen years of school and teachers mispronouncing your name, and you are tired of it.
Sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands and call out the teachers that didn't even try to pronounce your name correctly.
Paige Just Changed Yearbook Quotes Forever
Now people will know that they can write sentences in emoticons, and the senior quotes will be even more enjoyable.
She is an innovator, and yearbooks will never be the same because of her.
This Is A Mind Game
This one is very confusing. If we understood this correctly, whoever is before Steven, their quote is the truth, and whoever is after Kristian, their quote is a lie. Or, it's a paradox.
If you were able to understand this, props to you. We are still trying to unravel this mystery.
That's Unfortunate
Previously, we saw Carlos Carlos, who said he hated his name, but that is nothing compared to Christopher Gaylord. He didn't choose his last name, but he has to live with it and all the jokes that come with it.

At this point in his life, he is probably used to all the jokes and teasing. At least he has a regular first name.
That's Deep
This girl must be popular with the nerds. This quote really makes you think about life and who you are as a person.
Would you rather be born good or overcome an evil nature inside of you?
Smile For The Camera
Waves hand in front of their face and yells, "You can't see me." That's how John Cena would do it obviously.

These students are able to make a joke out of all the things that may have made them feel different throughout their time in high school, and that is an important lesson to learn.
Bless Up
When you start high school flat-chested and you finish high school slightly less flat-chested. No wonder she is smiling so wide.
Her grades also went down, and that isn't good, but she doesn't seem too bothered by it.
4 Years Down The Drain
When the gym is life, and you care more about flexing all day instead of focusing in class. Some people make school a priority, and others don't.
Yes, we are sure it is a joke, but there are people out there who care more about looks than brains.
Gingers Are Nice People
People with red hair have a reputation for being soulless and evil, but it is just a stereotype. Some people say that gingers live longer than people with other hair colors.
There are other stereotypes about gingers like they are all Irish, they all have freckles, or they all resemble the Weasleys.
The Resemblance Is Uncanny
This guy looks exactly like Frozone from The Incredibles. He must have heard that so often that he decided to use the quote for his yearbook.
It would be funnier if instead of a tuxedo, he was wearing the Frozone costume.
Is That The Same Person Twice
Teachers have yearbook pictures too, and this teacher was able to get his picture in there twice. One for his everyday self, and one for his cool alter ego.

He must be one of the most loved teachers at his school. This probably made students think he has a twin.
Dad Joke Of The Year
There are so many amazing things about this yearbook entry. First of all, the picture of him with the drum gives us a clearer picture of who Amith is as a person.
Then, you add in the quote, and you can tell he is a living, breathing legend. You go, Amith! Keep making dad jokes until the end of time.
Did the period count as a character? How can you fit anything important in fewer characters than a tweet? Your senior quote is how people will remember you for years to come.

This student somehow got his message across in 100 characters. If you could go back to school, what would your senior quote be?
Eat Good, Feel Good
When you don't care what people think, so you tell it like it is. So what if you gained a few pounds, at least she is enjoying the food she is eating.
Also, if people thought she was pregnant, now she has cleared up that rumor.
"Remember To Be Yourself, Unless You Suck. Then Pretend To Be Someone Else."
Oscar Wilde once wrote, "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken." Mitchell wants you to know that you should follow the wise words of Oscar Wilde unless you are a bad person.
Instead of pretending to be someone else, maybe you should look within and figure out what you can change to improve yourself.
"Fail You Peseants"
This guy sounds like Thanos from Avengers: Infinity War. According to Kevin, no one else should be able to succeed with him.

If he is succeeding, everyone else should fail because he is the only one that can do great things obviously. Don't be like Kevin; let others flourish too.
High School Musical Is A Lie
High School Musical made it seem like high school was full of dance numbers and people randomly breaking out into song. We can verify that it was nothing like that.
We understand your pain, Seth. The movie got our hopes up, and then we had to figure out that it was all a lie.
His Kids Will Love This One Day
There have been a few people who have written things like this as their senior quote. We want to know if any of them have had kids yet, and showed them their yearbook.

Don't you want to know what his kids will think of this thirty years from now?
Quoting Spongebob Characters Is Always A Good Option
Plankton was such a complex character and low key the most relatable. Haven't you ever been around people and thought, "I should charge them for my therapy bills."
High school might make you need therapy because of all the changes you are going through. It's rough out there.
Take The Symbol For Each Element And See What It Spells Out
In case you were confused, this spells out, "F**k b*****s, get money." When you can't curse in the yearbook, so you have to be smart and creative to find ways around those rules.

She will be able to look back on this quote with pride because of how clever she was.
Sweet, Sweet Freedom
Sometimes high school can feel like a prison because of all the rules and schedules, but when you graduate you are finally free.
We get it, high school is rough, but wait till you get to college and then the cooperate world.
The One Time Twins Aren't Next To Eachother
When you have the same last name as the set of twins in your grade, but your picture goes between theirs.
People might think that they are triplets, but the twins wanted to clarify that he is not related to them.
She Has A Point
By now, you're probably familiar with the common issue of school dress codes. Usually, they just prevent girls from wearing what they want and doing something as simple as baring their shoulders. Of course, the girls have an issue with this because people should be able to control themselves, especially around an innocent set of shoulders. Well, it's clear that by picture day Madison was fed up and decided to let her concerns be known in her quote.

"I'm sorry, did my shoulders distract you?" was her way of announcing just how outrageous she thought this dress code was, and we think she nailed it.
Sister Rivalry
Is there anything better than when siblings take to the yearbook to roast each other? These two sisters pitted themselves against each other when they chose the same quote- "I'm the pretty one." We're sure it was just a silly joke, but there's no doubt these sisters have been complimented and compared to each other countless times throughout high school. The signatures in their yearbooks must've been hilarious after their classmates saw these quotes!
We wonder if the sibling rivalry has died down as these girls grow up- somebody tell them that they're both the pretty one!