1. Two Types of Kiwis
When you leave dad alone with the baby for more than an hour, he may start to get creative.
At least we now know that a baby's head and a kiwi are almost identical.
2. When Dad Has Bathtime Duty
Bathtime is a great way for parents to make fun memories with their children.
It's also a great time to turn your child into different characters, according to this dad.
3. When Dad Tries To Put The Children To Sleep
Putting a small child to bed can be a difficult fight. There is kicking, screaming, crying, and protesting.
When he finally got her to sleep, he needed to take a rest too.
4. He Was Put On Shoveling And Baby Duty
Sometimes, dads need to get creative when they have many jobs to do.
This is also a good way to teach them how to learn an allowance very early on.
5. That's One Way To Carry Your Child
When your child doesn't want to leave the candy aisle.
It was all fun and games until he ran out of suction power.
6. Never Letting Food Go To Waste
Close enough to kiss and close enough to lick clean.
Why waste a napkin when you can just clean it yourself.
7. Sometimes You Have To Be An Innovator To Get Things Done
When you really want a beer but you also need to feed your baby.
He took the innovative route and we would say it was a success.
8. Baby Or Mouse Pad?
Babies are not only your pride and joy, but they are also multipurpose.
This dad found a good use for his child while he works from home.
9. Now That's What We Call Dedication
This dad just stole our hearts. He was kind enough to dress up as King Trighton to go along with his daughter's Ariel costume.
That is the kind of dedication all dads should have.
10. Dad Went Out To Pick Up A Few Things
If you have ever wondered how sturdy those reusable bags are, here is your answer.
He was just trying to prove that these bags can be used for more than just groceries.
11. Saftey First
Driving lessons with your dad can be very nervewracking.
Especially when he puts on safety gear to make you extra nervous.
12. That's One Way To Get Your Kids Through The Airport Quickly
Going to the airport with kids is stressful. You have to make sure you can keep your eyes on them at all times.
Well, this dad thought of the perfect solution to know where his child was and get through the airport quickly.
13. Dad Level: Awesomeness
This dad just won Halloween and everyone can stop trying now.
This his how you win at fatherhood.
14. Not All Superheroes Wear Capes, But This One Does
When your son asks you to wear capes to Home Depot, you wear a cape.
These two are superheroes in training.
15. At Least He Is Keeping The Baby Clean
In comparison to the dad who got food on his child's face, this man is taking preventative measures.
He is at least making the effort to keep food off of his child's head.
16. Teaching The Kids Military Workouts
When you have to stay in shape for the military, but also want to spend time with your children, combine the two.
We would follow a workout video by this adorable trio.
17. Twinning
"So who do you think your son looks like more, you or your husband?"
It may be biased, but he definitely looks like his dad.
18. Starting A New Exercise Regimine
It is important to teach your children about health and fitness early on in life.
At least this dad knows the importance of a balanced lifestyle.
19. Hold Me Closer Tiny Dancer
Ballet duty isn't just for moms; dads can get into it too.
We give him props for committing to the tutu and tights.
20. Making Your Child Feel Comfortable With Their Outfit Choices
When this man's son wanted to wear a dress, he didn't shame him for his choice.
Instead, he embraced him and wore a skirt as well to make him feel more comfortable.
21. When You Have To Take A Business Call During Play Time
Don't strollers have a weight limit? Apparently Not.
As long as you are paying attention to your child, that's all that matters.
22. "Who Put This Baby In Here?"
When you go shopping and only need a few things, so you don't want to get a cart with a baby seat.
Some people might be wondering what aisle you got the baby from.
23. "Stop Dad, You're Embarrassing Me."
Dad got really into Halloween this year, a little too into it.
If he's having fun, let him live.
24. When Gaming Is Life But You Also Have To Take Care Of Your Child
This is the definition of a gamer dad, using the controller to balance the baby bottle.
The baby doesn't seem to be bothered by it either.
25. Creating New Ways To Not Have To Hold Your Child
26. Teaching Children The Importance Of A Mirror Selfie
Mirror selfies are an important skill to master. This dad is teaching his child the right way to do it.
This pair is too cute to handle. Execution: 10/10.
27. "Honey, I Joined A Gang"
When your dad sends you pictures from his vacation and tells you he joined a gang.
This is probably the most dad-like picture to ever grace the internet.
28. D.A.D (Dads Against Dating)
When you want boys who are interested in your daughter to know that she has a very protective father.
Why not stick your face on a shirt and make her wear it around. That's not embarrassing at all. Gol
29. Just Working On His Short Game
Golf is a game only dads can love.
They love it so much that no matter where they are, they are probably practicing.
30. OMG no
Sometimes dads take their jokes a little too far.
You just have to mention that you will tell mom and then he will do what you want.
31. BF= Breakfast
Dads are notorious for never knowing the correct meaning of acronyms.
As he said, he must be more careful.
32. Yep, Definitely Related
When your child exhibits the same characteristics as you at a very young age, you never have to question if they are actually yours.
If only there was a picture of her father doing the same thing.
33. Dad Boredom Level: 1,000
This dad decided to take dried seaweed and give the dog expressive eyebrows.
The kids must have been away, and he had no one else to joke with.
34. Reasons Why Dads Shouldn't Have Snapchat
When dads started to get Snapchat it was over for everyone.
Now they can take their cheesy dad jokes to social media.
35. Never Eat Dads Dessert
Lesson learned, never mess with your dad's dessert.
He will take revenge and lock you out of the fridge.
36. Laziness Taken To A New Level
This is a dad nap: summer edition.
When he wants to tan, stay cool, and nap, he will find a way to accomplish that.
37. "You Aren't Cool Unless You Pee Your Pants"
This dad must have taken some inspiration from Billy Madison.
Everyone is peeing their pants, it's the cool thing to do.
38. They Aren't Only Dads To Human Children
Sometimes non-human babies need a dad too.
He has a very gentle hand with this adorable kitten.
39. When You Have To Teach Your Kids A Lesson The Hard Way
Teaching your children important lessons is a major part of parenting, and this dad knows that.
He might have taken this lesson to another level, but it definitely gets his point across.
40. Dads Will Troll Their Children No Matter The Effort Required
Instead of sending a whole bag to try, he took the time and effort to send just one chip.
Dads are the ultimate trolls when it comes to their children.